Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Victorian Shirt

More menswear in progress:
The pattern is from Folkwear
Not bad for a few hours work.
The bib and front plackets are finished.  Now, on to the pleated back and yoke.  If time allows, I may have it finished by the new year.
More fabric was purchased today. Brocade and wool suiting for vests.  Fabric for Justine's fitted jacket with tails, for a walking skirt for me and some for maybe another jacket.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Victorian Smoking Jacket

Port and Cigars anyone??

Red Velvet with black brocade lapels and trim.  Perfect for lounging after dinner with drinks.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Logo!!

Justine has been hard at work designing a logo for me.  She has also been working on a website.  I've got the domain name but I don't have a host site yet.  But here is the logo she designed:

She also did the banner for the top of this page.  Pretty cool, huh?
I'm working on the velvet smoking jacket.  Unfortunately, life has interfered with accomplishing my dreams.  But Justine and I obtained a few more patterns today- more period menswear.  I can't wait to get through the holidays and all that they entail so I can focus more on sewing.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

I've got good help

I'm not in this venture alone.  I've got great help.
My darling daughter Justine of BoX Graphic Designs is an inspiration, companion, cheerleader and fellow conspirator.
There is my fabulous husband V who puts up with my whims and ventures as I put up with his.  It's been a good arrangement for the past 25 years. And who could forget my sons, I14 and K11 who keep me hopping.
And, last, but not least,  the cats and the dog, ever loyal companions, ready to help.
Who doesn't need a fabric weight?